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Paul Attar

Scientific Consultant

Paul Attar, PhD, MBA, will serve as the primary internal consultant of scientific endeavors in his role as Scientific Consultant to AZ Solutions. He has a BS in Chemistry and Molecular Biology, a PhD in Cell Biology specializing in Skin Biology, and an Executive MBA. Dr. Attar is the President of BRIDGE, PTS, a CRO specializing in animal models of infection and wound healing. He is also an Adjunct Clinical

Research Faculty at the University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine in San Antonio, TX. At BRIDGE PTS, Dr. Attar has been involved in testing many products in the wound irrigant space, both for efficacy and GLP-compliant safety testing in support of FDA-submission and 510(k) clearance. He has participated in the approval of numerous medical devices including surgical irrigants and wound dressings.

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